Dairy Queen - the ONLY restaurant in town

Back when I worked as a field geologist, I lived in Montana for a summer. I only received room and board for my work; I lived in a tent, had a hand pumped well for water, no refrigeration and a cabin to get out of the elements which had bats in the ceiling. Coming from the East, the land was different out here. We used to say - if there is a stop light and one fast food "restaurant", then this was a town, otherwise, just a bunch of buildings grouped together. Well, the place had a light and a Dairy Queen, so we called it a town. That Dairy Queen had the sweetest ice cream - after a very hot day out in the field, with temperatures consistently at over 100 degrees each day; we would go into town, shower up and have dinner at Dairy Queen. As it was about 50 miles one way, we only went into town every three days or so. I will always remember that Dairy Queen quite fondly, and when I see one now, I usually go in for a cone.

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